etf <- etf_vix[1:55, 1:3]
# Split-------------------------------
h <- 5
etf_eval <- divide_ts(etf, h)
etf_train <- etf_eval$train
etf_test <- etf_eval$test
Bayesian VAR and VHAR
and vhar_bayes()
fit BVAR and
BVHAR each with various priors.
: Multivariate time series data. It should be data frame or matrix, which means that every column is numeric. Each column indicates variable, i.e. it sould be wide format. -
: VAR lag, or order of VHAR -
: Number of chains- If OpenMP is enabled, parallel loop will be run.
: Total number of iterations -
: Number of burn-in -
: Thinning -
: Output ofset_ssvs()
- Minneosta prior
- Can induce prior on
lambda = set_lambda()
- SSVS prior:
- Horseshoe prior:
- NG prior:
- DL prior:
- Minneosta prior
: Covariance prior specification. Useset_ldlt()
for homoskedastic model. -
include_mean = TRUE
: By default, you include the constant term in the model. -
minnesota = c("no", "short", "longrun")
: Minnesota-type shrinkage. -
verbose = FALSE
: Progress bar -
: Number of thread for OpenMP- Used in parallel multi-chain loop
- This option is valid only when OpenMP in user’s machine.
Stochastic Search Variable Selection (SSVS) Prior
(fit_ssvs <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 1, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ssvs(), cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 1, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ssvs(),
#> cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with SSVS prior
#> Fitted by Gibbs sampling
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 1 chains, and 90 variables
#> phi[1] phi[2] phi[3] phi[4] phi[5] phi[6] phi[7] phi[8]
#> 1 0.302337 0.4543 -0.0375 -0.49548 -0.73538 -0.3439 0.162 0.567
#> 2 0.104371 0.1934 -0.2732 -0.00798 -0.19941 0.0301 0.213 0.492
#> 3 0.373726 0.8019 -0.3833 -0.64653 -1.14892 0.0196 -0.296 1.299
#> 4 0.096895 0.0861 -0.2299 -0.96209 -0.36561 -0.1900 0.754 0.902
#> 5 -0.000544 0.3906 -0.2333 0.03740 -0.38600 0.0149 0.450 0.855
#> 6 0.013843 0.2744 -0.2938 0.10003 -0.17177 -0.0979 0.702 0.922
#> 7 -0.243176 0.0134 0.0297 -0.46767 -0.38944 -0.2737 0.715 0.988
#> 8 0.119136 0.2333 -0.1710 -1.07673 -0.27910 -0.2497 1.797 0.858
#> 9 -0.123032 0.0541 -0.3807 -0.52832 0.03043 0.1313 0.684 1.394
#> 10 -0.007328 0.0410 0.0137 -0.98017 0.00218 -0.1690 1.298 1.312
#> # ... with 82 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}
for the fit (bvharsp
provides coefficients heatmap. There is type
argument, and
the default type = "coef"
draws the heatmap.
Horseshoe Prior
is the initial specification by
. Others are the same.
(fit_hs <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_horseshoe(), cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_horseshoe(),
#> cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with Horseshoe prior
#> Fitted by Gibbs sampling
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 124 variables
#> phi[1] phi[2] phi[3] phi[4] phi[5] phi[6] phi[7] phi[8]
#> 1 0.1855 -0.0384 0.0917 0.00753 0.1832 1.044 0.174144 -0.1117
#> 2 0.1331 -0.0762 0.0435 -0.00436 0.2640 0.817 0.229029 -0.0391
#> 3 0.1611 -0.1832 0.0624 -0.01279 -0.1236 0.688 0.195939 -0.0598
#> 4 0.2314 -0.0794 0.0186 -0.08791 -0.0304 1.010 -0.123500 -0.0472
#> 5 0.0946 -0.0219 0.0344 0.12698 0.0809 1.038 -0.002482 0.0370
#> 6 0.1352 -0.0795 0.0804 -0.07565 0.2018 0.910 0.001557 -0.0110
#> 7 0.0155 -0.1789 -0.0395 0.16233 0.5132 0.930 -0.000694 -0.0216
#> 8 -0.0507 -0.1769 0.0890 -0.03753 0.9218 0.768 0.003441 -0.1093
#> 9 0.2339 0.0354 0.0272 0.08280 0.5135 0.982 -0.009063 0.0401
#> 10 0.2393 0.0170 0.0167 -0.05259 0.6156 0.754 -0.010166 -0.0214
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 116 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}
Minnesota Prior
(fit_mn <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_bvhar(lambda = set_lambda()), cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_bvhar(lambda = set_lambda()),
#> cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with MN_Hierarchical prior
#> Fitted by Gibbs sampling
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 63 variables
#> phi[1] phi[2] phi[3] phi[4] phi[5] phi[6] phi[7] phi[8]
#> 1 0.0574 -0.2289 -0.0225 -0.2779 -0.04506 1.056 0.1102 -0.0640
#> 2 0.0923 -0.1600 -0.1074 -0.0168 -0.06174 1.098 0.5046 0.0684
#> 3 0.3472 -0.0332 -0.2040 0.1687 0.68539 0.842 0.0862 -0.0295
#> 4 0.1847 0.0239 0.2598 -0.0595 -0.00376 0.641 -0.3836 -0.2750
#> 5 0.1223 -0.1913 -0.0138 0.2144 0.49709 0.946 0.7645 0.3838
#> 6 0.0722 -0.1736 0.0873 0.0605 0.35205 0.680 0.0216 -0.0560
#> 7 0.2092 0.2399 0.4140 0.2103 0.34400 0.678 0.4793 -0.1857
#> 8 0.3781 -0.2364 0.2203 -0.3704 0.09095 0.718 0.5853 -0.1933
#> 9 0.2177 -0.0415 -0.1745 0.2458 0.14458 0.704 0.2544 -0.0170
#> 10 0.1605 -0.0599 0.1923 0.2352 0.19033 0.986 -0.5050 -0.3299
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 55 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}
Normal-Gamma prior
(fit_ng <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ng(), cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ng(),
#> cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with NG prior
#> Fitted by Metropolis-within-Gibbs
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 97 variables
#> phi[1] phi[2] phi[3] phi[4] phi[5] phi[6] phi[7] phi[8]
#> 1 0.0239 -0.000371 -0.00774 0.30406 -0.4156 0.180 0.5711 -0.00505
#> 2 0.1351 -0.000892 -0.18515 -0.00503 0.8094 0.612 1.0913 0.05370
#> 3 0.1919 -0.000979 0.18403 0.06152 0.3535 0.479 1.4394 0.03016
#> 4 -0.0180 -0.000224 -0.12140 0.50746 0.6493 0.442 0.2520 -0.07450
#> 5 0.0167 -0.000580 -0.05948 -0.05656 1.0994 0.253 0.0555 -0.19975
#> 6 0.2365 -0.004033 -0.07897 -0.01271 0.6498 0.279 0.0364 -0.32809
#> 7 0.2488 0.004425 -0.04808 -0.41173 0.5168 0.659 0.7106 -0.05164
#> 8 0.1466 0.015549 -0.04945 -0.03920 0.0513 0.847 -0.0742 -0.22091
#> 9 0.0920 0.017098 -0.06370 -0.01558 0.2960 0.683 -0.1103 -0.11615
#> 10 0.0398 -0.090584 0.13516 -0.29201 0.3678 1.030 0.6488 -0.31626
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 89 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}
Dirichlet-Laplace prior
(fit_dl <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_dl(), cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_dl(),
#> cov_spec = set_ldlt(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with DL prior
#> Fitted by Gibbs sampling
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 91 variables
#> phi[1] phi[2] phi[3] phi[4] phi[5] phi[6] phi[7] phi[8]
#> 1 0.05582 -0.04964 0.0620 0.78639 0.00352 0.962 0.00321 -0.01761
#> 2 0.00879 -0.02344 0.0921 -0.50203 0.72942 0.939 -0.00431 0.02157
#> 3 0.11592 -0.00327 0.2726 -0.06332 0.19191 1.003 -0.02839 -0.09357
#> 4 0.44673 0.00220 0.0340 -0.02172 0.33265 0.839 0.37484 0.00943
#> 5 0.47248 0.00293 0.0342 -0.00848 0.43971 1.152 0.24066 0.03827
#> 6 0.17764 -0.00270 0.5839 -0.04313 -0.07198 0.841 0.27472 -0.09927
#> 7 0.17417 -0.01040 0.2732 0.00145 -0.02923 0.966 -0.07610 -0.10401
#> 8 -0.02180 0.04319 0.2226 -0.00164 -0.00496 0.835 -0.01362 -0.06213
#> 9 0.07888 0.03103 0.2318 -0.00266 -0.00281 1.026 0.00658 -0.23399
#> 10 0.01099 -0.18264 0.2256 0.03739 0.01859 1.204 -0.02366 -0.13103
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 83 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}
Bayesian visualization
also provides Bayesian visualization.
type = "trace"
gives MCMC trace plot.
autoplot(fit_hs, type = "trace", regex_pars = "tau")
type = "dens"
draws MCMC density plot. If specifying
additional argument facet_args = list(dir = "v")
, you can see plot as the same format with
coefficient matrix.