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Set SSVS hyperparameters for VAR or VHAR coefficient matrix and Cholesky factor.


  coef_spike = 0.1,
  coef_slab = 5,
  coef_spike_scl = 0.01,
  coef_slab_shape = 0.01,
  coef_slab_scl = 0.01,
  coef_mixture = 0.5,
  coef_s1 = c(1, 1),
  coef_s2 = c(1, 1),
  mean_non = 0,
  sd_non = 0.1,
  shape = 0.01,
  rate = 0.01,
  chol_spike = 0.1,
  chol_slab = 5,
  chol_spike_scl = 0.01,
  chol_slab_shape = 0.01,
  chol_slab_scl = 0.01,
  chol_mixture = 0.5,
  chol_s1 = 1,
  chol_s2 = 1

# S3 method for class 'ssvsinput'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)


# S3 method for class 'ssvsinput'
knit_print(x, ...)



[Deprecated] Standard deviance for Spike normal distribution. Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


[Deprecated] Standard deviance for Slab normal distribution. Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


Scaling factor (between 0 and 1) for spike sd which is Spike sd = c * slab sd


Inverse gamma shape for slab sd


Inverse gamma scale for slab sd


[Deprecated] Bernoulli parameter for sparsity proportion. Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


First shape of coefficients prior beta distribution


Second shape of coefficients prior beta distribution


[Deprecated] Prior mean of unrestricted coefficients Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


[Deprecated] Standard deviance for unrestricted coefficients Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


Gamma shape parameters for precision matrix (See Details).


Gamma rate parameters for precision matrix (See Details).


Standard deviance for Spike normal distribution, in the cholesky factor. Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


Standard deviance for Slab normal distribution, in the cholesky factor. Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


Scaling factor (between 0 and 1) for spike sd which is Spike sd = c * slab sd in the cholesky factor


Inverse gamma shape for slab sd in the cholesky factor


Inverse gamma scale for slab sd in the cholesky factor


[Deprecated] Bernoulli parameter for sparsity proportion, in the cholesky factor (See Details). Will be deleted when bvar_ssvs() and bvhar_ssvs() are removed in the package.


First shape of cholesky factor prior beta distribution


Second shape of cholesky factor prior beta distribution




digit option to print


not used


ssvsinput object


Let \(\alpha\) be the vectorized coefficient, \(\alpha = vec(A)\). Spike-slab prior is given using two normal distributions. $$\alpha_j \mid \gamma_j \sim (1 - \gamma_j) N(0, \tau_{0j}^2) + \gamma_j N(0, \tau_{1j}^2)$$ As spike-slab prior itself suggests, set \(\tau_{0j}\) small (point mass at zero: spike distribution) and set \(\tau_{1j}\) large (symmetric by zero: slab distribution).

\(\gamma_j\) is the proportion of the nonzero coefficients and it follows $$\gamma_j \sim Bernoulli(p_j)$$

  • coef_spike: \(\tau_{0j}\)

  • coef_slab: \(\tau_{1j}\)

  • coef_mixture: \(p_j\)

  • \(j = 1, \ldots, mk\): vectorized format corresponding to coefficient matrix

  • If one value is provided, model function will read it by replicated value.

  • coef_non: vectorized constant term is given prior Normal distribution with variance \(cI\). Here, coef_non is \(\sqrt{c}\).

Next for precision matrix \(\Sigma_e^{-1}\), SSVS applies Cholesky decomposition. $$\Sigma_e^{-1} = \Psi \Psi^T$$ where \(\Psi = \{\psi_{ij}\}\) is upper triangular.

Diagonal components follow the gamma distribution. $$\psi_{jj}^2 \sim Gamma(shape = a_j, rate = b_j)$$ For each row of off-diagonal (upper-triangular) components, we apply spike-slab prior again. $$\psi_{ij} \mid w_{ij} \sim (1 - w_{ij}) N(0, \kappa_{0,ij}^2) + w_{ij} N(0, \kappa_{1,ij}^2)$$ $$w_{ij} \sim Bernoulli(q_{ij})$$

  • shape: \(a_j\)

  • rate: \(b_j\)

  • chol_spike: \(\kappa_{0,ij}\)

  • chol_slab: \(\kappa_{1,ij}\)

  • chol_mixture: \(q_{ij}\)

  • \(j = 1, \ldots, mk\): vectorized format corresponding to coefficient matrix

  • \(i = 1, \ldots, j - 1\) and \(j = 2, \ldots, m\): \(\eta = (\psi_{12}, \psi_{13}, \psi_{23}, \psi_{14}, \ldots, \psi_{34}, \ldots, \psi_{1m}, \ldots, \psi_{m - 1, m})^T\)

  • chol_ arguments can be one value for replication, vector, or upper triangular matrix.


George, E. I., & McCulloch, R. E. (1993). Variable Selection via Gibbs Sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(423), 881-889.

George, E. I., Sun, D., & Ni, S. (2008). Bayesian stochastic search for VAR model restrictions. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 553-580.

Ishwaran, H., & Rao, J. S. (2005). Spike and slab variable selection: Frequentist and Bayesian strategies. The Annals of Statistics, 33(2).

Koop, G., & Korobilis, D. (2009). Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics. Foundations and Trends® in Econometrics, 3(4), 267-358.