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etf <- etf_vix[1:55, 1:3]
# Split-------------------------------
h <- 5
etf_eval <- divide_ts(etf, h)
etf_train <- etf_eval$train
etf_test <- etf_eval$test

Models with Stochastic Volatilities

By specifying cov_spec = set_sv(), var_bayes() and vhar_bayes() fits VAR-SV and VHAR-SV with shrinkage priors, respectively.

#> Model Specification for SV with Cholesky Prior
#> Parameters: Contemporaneous coefficients, State variance, Initial state
#> Prior: Cholesky
#> ========================================================
#> Setting for 'shape':
#> [1]  rep(3, dim)
#> Setting for 'scale':
#> [1]  rep(0.01, dim)
#> Setting for 'initial_mean':
#> [1]  rep(1, dim)
#> Setting for 'initial_prec':
#> [1]  0.1 * diag(dim)


(fit_ssvs <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ssvs(), cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ssvs(), 
#>     cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with Stochastic Volatility
#> Fitted by Gibbs sampling
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 177 variables
#>      phi[1]    phi[2]  phi[3]  phi[4]  phi[5]  phi[6]  phi[7]   phi[8]
#> 1    1.2465  -0.00917   0.415  -0.120   0.533   0.442   0.420  -0.2513
#> 2    0.6531  -0.05136  -0.379  -0.120  -0.121   0.284  -0.774  -0.1123
#> 3    0.0864  -0.06643  -0.804  -0.490   2.191   0.567  -0.335   0.1842
#> 4    0.5385  -0.06517  -0.917  -1.175   1.032   0.683  -0.149   0.0976
#> 5    0.1531   0.05269  -0.492   0.180  -0.558   0.656  -0.278  -0.5563
#> 6    0.4953   0.01371  -1.215   0.521  -0.951   0.376  -0.397  -0.2256
#> 7    0.4870  -0.09283  -0.657  -0.473  -0.448   1.078   0.839  -0.1052
#> 8    0.3117  -0.04717  -0.995  -0.636   1.655   0.601   0.487   0.3885
#> 9   -0.0168  -0.04631  -0.579   0.191   0.860   1.111   0.471   0.5940
#> 10   0.0938  -0.09232  -0.175   0.219  -0.278   0.507   0.346  -0.2830
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 169 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}


(fit_hs <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_horseshoe(), cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_horseshoe(), 
#>     cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with Stochastic Volatility
#> Fitted by Gibbs sampling
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 211 variables
#>       phi[1]   phi[2]   phi[3]   phi[4]   phi[5]  phi[6]   phi[7]    phi[8]
#> 1    0.00465   0.0569  -2.2686  -1.4700  15.6637   0.160  -1.3673  -0.47342
#> 2   -2.40957  -0.0863   0.8434   1.4342   5.7074   0.545   1.2580  -0.26365
#> 3    1.16841   0.2085   0.9358  -2.1197   2.1369   0.835   1.4724   0.32221
#> 4    1.57401   0.1359   0.2506  -0.3531   1.1812   0.345  -0.1984  -0.01213
#> 5   -0.80178  -0.1171  -0.3594   0.0103   1.0799   0.617  -0.1493  -0.02766
#> 6    0.54058  -0.0357   0.1973  -0.0840   1.4997   0.443   0.4348  -0.05712
#> 7    0.00755   0.4536   0.0290   0.1963   0.1793   0.264   0.0442  -0.00812
#> 8    0.04790   0.5025   0.0539   0.3126   0.1700   0.588   0.0119  -0.00283
#> 9   -0.08957  -0.1260   0.0270   0.0702  -0.0178   0.578   0.0588   0.05864
#> 10   0.03248   0.0406  -0.0928  -0.0638   0.0268   0.699  -0.1317  -0.04953
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 203 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}

Normal-Gamma prior

(fit_ng <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ng(), cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_ng(), 
#>     cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with Stochastic Volatility
#> Fitted by Metropolis-within-Gibbs
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 184 variables
#>     phi[1]   phi[2]   phi[3]   phi[4]  phi[5]  phi[6]     phi[7]     phi[8]
#> 1   0.4638   0.1606   0.0844  -0.1915   0.259   0.356   1.64e-01  -2.88e-02
#> 2   0.0710  -0.1656  -0.0143  -0.3296   0.453   0.400  -1.79e-01   3.65e-02
#> 3   0.1809  -0.1013   0.0294   0.2004   0.602   0.126  -4.18e-02  -6.75e-01
#> 4   0.0133  -0.0716   0.0369   0.0529   0.312   0.119   3.37e-02  -1.41e-02
#> 5   0.0431  -0.1053   0.1147  -0.0693   0.451   0.293   1.54e-03   5.71e-03
#> 6   0.0778  -0.1379  -0.0899   0.1655   0.327   0.131  -3.27e-03  -3.96e-03
#> 7   0.1980  -0.0811   0.0401   0.5071   0.555   0.632  -2.58e-03   9.80e-04
#> 8   0.3349   0.0201  -0.0710   0.1560   0.516   0.545   9.23e-04   9.47e-04
#> 9   0.3529  -0.0218   0.0742   0.6892  -0.238   0.480   7.95e-05   8.12e-04
#> 10  0.5153  -0.0371  -0.0380   0.8726  -0.443   0.400  -2.79e-05   3.47e-05
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 176 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}

Dirichlet-Laplace prior

(fit_dl <- vhar_bayes(etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_dl(), cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun"))
#> Call:
#> vhar_bayes(y = etf_train, num_chains = 2, num_iter = 20, bayes_spec = set_dl(), 
#>     cov_spec = set_sv(), include_mean = FALSE, minnesota = "longrun")
#> BVHAR with Stochastic Volatility
#> Fitted by Gibbs sampling
#> Number of chains: 2
#> Total number of iteration: 20
#> Number of burn-in: 10
#> ====================================================
#> Parameter Record:
#> # A draws_df: 10 iterations, 2 chains, and 178 variables
#>     phi[1]   phi[2]    phi[3]    phi[4]     phi[5]  phi[6]     phi[7]    phi[8]
#> 1   -0.396  -0.0518   0.00972  -0.03567   1.21e+00   0.160   0.028289   0.37581
#> 2   -0.244  -0.0504  -0.30627   0.03251   1.63e+00   0.690   0.042976   0.73965
#> 3    0.785   0.0291   0.17402   0.14733  -9.92e-01   0.669  -0.000300   0.33097
#> 4   -0.403  -0.0239  -0.21419   0.33020   2.23e-01   0.488   0.000664   0.24997
#> 5    0.525  -0.0365   0.18465   0.17428  -4.49e-04   0.979   0.094548   0.04076
#> 6    0.893  -0.0547   0.34789  -0.10916  -6.70e-03   0.749   0.097342  -0.05944
#> 7    0.972  -0.0218   0.25069  -0.04589  -1.55e-05   0.764   0.093599  -0.00509
#> 8    0.526  -0.0140   0.11863   0.03277   5.42e-06   0.937  -0.103855  -0.04236
#> 9    0.739   0.0460   0.19684   0.00876  -3.26e-06   0.879  -0.093956  -0.06880
#> 10   0.439   0.0132   0.14968   0.01402   1.72e-05   0.966   0.339628  -0.08877
#> # ... with 10 more draws, and 170 more variables
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}

Bayesian visualization

autoplot() also provides Bayesian visualization. type = "trace" gives MCMC trace plot.

autoplot(fit_hs, type = "trace", regex_pars = "tau")

type = "dens" draws MCMC density plot.

autoplot(fit_hs, type = "dens", regex_pars = "tau")