
This is a Python version for bvhar package.

The package implements C++ headers made in R package. Learn more about bvhar for R.


bvhar for Python is not ready to use. This page is rendered just for testing.

Eigen and boost setting

bvhar C++ sources uses

  • Eigen library: for matrix computation
  • boost library: for random generation.

If you use conda, you can avoid manual setting of these libraries. Check requirements/environment.yml in our repo. Since conda provides eigen and boost-cpp, you can easily install them.

Otherwise, you should set their paths by yourself; at this stage.

  • EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR: Eigen path that includes the eigen headers
  • BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR: boost path that includes the boost headers


From GitHub:

python -m pip install 'git+'



Full License

GPL (>= 3)


Code of conduct


Young Geun Kim

More about authors…

Dev status

py-conda-check py-pip-check py-wheel-check Codecov test coverage Python Versions