Coffee-ECG Experiment

About the project

This is a project performed in SKKU Design and Analysis of Experiments (STA 5031).

  • Conduct a real randomized experiment, collect data, and analyze them.
  • Present a non-statistical paper using an (quasi-)experiment in the field outside statistics and critize them.
  • Bring my own research that is related to an (quasi-)experiment.

I chose real experimental design, the first one.

Coffee-Electrocardiogram Experiment

Goal of the Experiment

  • Does caffeine affect electrocardiogram (ECG) or average heart rate?
  • Caffeine: ☕ drinking capsule coffee 40 ml
  • ECG result: ⌚ average heart rate


We implement Latin square design. For example,

Reduced latin square
Drinking speed
1 2 3 4
Coffee to water ratio 1 A B C D
2 B C D A
3 C D A B
4 D A B C
  • A, B, C, D once in every row,
  • once in every column

About factors

  • Latin square: 4 by 4
  • 2 blocking factors
    • Row: Coffee (40 ml) to water ratio
      1. 1:0 (Espresso)
      2. 1:2.5 (Water 100 ml)
      3. 1:5 (Water 200 ml)
      4. 1:7.5 (Water 300 ml)
    • Column: Drinking speed
      1. <=5 sec
      2. 5-15 sec
      3. 15-30 sec
      4. 30< sec
  • Interesting factor: Intake of caffeine from Starbucks by Nespresso
    1. House blend: 74.5 mg
    2. Sumatra: 54.5 mg
    3. Decaf espresso roast: 3 mg
    4. None or water: 0 mg
  • Randomly allocate these treatments 1, 2, 3, and 4 to A, B, C, and D
    • assign these to above table
    • random treatment assignment
#> [1] "A" "C" "D" "B"


  • Measure ECG using Apple watch Series 4: See
  • Output
    • Average Heart rate (in BPM) difference between after and before taking the coffee
    • log return might be better (after got feedback)

Controlling other variables

  • Drink coffee every morning (between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. KST), after eating a piece of bread
  • When Measuring ECG,
    • sit at my desk
    • rest arms on a my desk
  • Use same strip for apple watch: Nike sport band of same fit
  • Nespresso machine: Pixie C61 in my home

For more details

Click Slides on the 🔝.

  • Project: Github repository
  • Slides: presentation pdf
  • Code: Source codes including Rmd for the slide
  • Dataset: datsets by this experiment including preprocessed ones
  • Appendix: Supplementary material related to the dataset
Young Geun Kim
Young Geun Kim
Ph.D. Candidate in Department of Statistics

Researching long-range dependent time series, Bayesian econometrics, and time series deep learning models.